Download Hydrochloric Acid Guide
Hydrochloric Acid: Controlling a chemical – and its fumes

Also known as muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid is used to acidize petroleum wells, remove scales from boilers, aid in ore reduction and serve as a chemical intermediate, among other applications. This pungent liquid is a strong, highly corrosive acid, and it presents serious storage challenges.
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Inside You'll Find:
- Challenges with storing hydrochloric acid
- An overview of Poly Processing’s hydrochloric acid storage systems
- Tank specifications for hydrochloric acid storage
- Recommended system components
- Technical overview of the storage system
- Considerations for fittings and placement

About Poly Processing
Known as the leader in crosslinked polyethylene chemical tanks, Poly Processing is a company dedicated to storage safety, as well as operational- and cost-effectiveness. This national company has worked to raise the standards of the industry and continually develops new and better storage concepts that are based on client feedback.